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Help your users report bugs easily with our Zendesk integration.

Screenshot showing Zendesk widget open, focused on "Messages" tab - the user automatically sent a Bird Eats Bug link.

What does this integration offer?

Do your users have difficulty explaining issues they face when they reach out via Zendesk?

The Bird SDK can supplement your customer support flows with Zendesk. When your customers or end-users encounters an issue, they can simply click on the Bird icon, which can auto-create a Bird report. Once the user submits, it automatically opens the Zendesk chat room, sending a Bird link. This allow your support agents to respond to the user right away.

Before Bird's Zendesk integration:

  1. User encounters an issue
  2. User opens a chat and has to wait until an agent responds
  3. Once an agent is online, the user then has to explain the issue
  4. Agent usually asks for more info (screenshots, screen recording, etc.)
  5. User then manually takes a screenshot and/or screen recording
  6. User then uploads screenshots and/or screen recording in the Zendesk chat room
  7. A lot of time spent on back-and-forth and waiting on each party to respond
  8. A frustrating and suboptimal experience for both your user and your support agent

After implementing Bird's Zendesk integration:

  1. User encounters an issue
  2. User clicks on the Bird icon and auto-creates a Bird session (with the option to add further information)
  3. User uploads the session, which automatically opens up an Zendesk chat room and sends a Bird session link to your customer support team
  4. Support agent receives a complete bug report and can take the necessary steps to respond and fix the issue


Make sure you have Zendesk and the Bird Eats Bug SDK installed in your application.

SDK Configuration

The following configuration will open Zendesk and auto-send the Bird session link to customer support via Zendesk after a session was uploaded.

	/* ...otherOptions, */
	integrations: {
		zendesk: true,

To allow users to submit an issue instantly to Zendesk without the need to manually record a reproduction of what happened, also enable Instant Replay.