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How to record

Here are the basic steps to start recording a bug with the browser extension or web SDK widget.

Browser extension

  1. After installation, the extension can be found behind the browser extensions menu (puzzle icon).
    Tip: pin the extension by clicking the blue pin icon to make it easier to find later on.

    pin the extension

  2. Click the Bird extension, then click the Record current tab button to start a recording.

    start recording in the extension

  3. To end the recording, click the extension again or the stop button in the toolbar.

  4. You will then be shown your complete recording. Now click upload to save and share the recording.

upload bug report

Web SDK Widget

  1. After the Web SDK Widget has been installed (link to docs here), click the widget to open the recording window (note this may look different if you have customised the button).

open web sdk

  1. Click the Start recording button to initiate the recording, and the red stop button to end the recording.

  2. Finally, add any additional information such as a description of the bug, and then click Submit to upload your recording.

submit bug report