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Ways to use Bird Eats Bug

Here are different ways you can enhance your QA, support or product development workflows with Bird Eats Bug

1. Manual & exploratory testing

The most common use case. QAs use Bird to record every bug and test they perform. This both serves as documentation for the tests that have run, but it also allows them to report a bug they encounter instantly without the need to reproduce again during testing.

Furthermore, our web SDK widget bug reporting solutions enable QAs to extend their test coverage by recording detailed bugs in virtual test environments (e.g. BrowserStack, BitBar, LambdaTest etc.) and mobile browsers. Learn more.

2. End user bug reporting

Some customers compliment their customer support solutions (e.g. Intercom, Zendesk) with the Web SDK widget to get more clarity when their customers face technical issues, and reduce the back-and-forth asking questions to understand the issue.

3. Client bug reporting solution

Popular for dev and QA agencies building products for clients. They would setup the browser extension on their client's computer for them to report bugs with.

4. Expand on monitoring errors

Bird Eats Bug compliments monitoring solutions such as Sentry, Rollbar and Datadog. When exceptions are encountered from monitoring tools, product teams use Bird when they are trying to reproduce and verify the error. The recording captures more technical data to help engineers debug the issue.

5. E2E testing handover

Manual QAs can use Bird to directly record the tests that need to be automated, the E2E helper feature then generates a test script template that can be handed over to automation engineers for test creation. This both saves time on starting the test script, but also provides more clarity on the automation sequence.

6. Individual monitoring

Many QAs and PMs enable the replay feature in our recorder which will constantly record the last 2 minutes of activity in the background. So when an unexpected bug occurs they instantly have it captured. It's like having monitoring solutions such as Sentry or Rollbar, but on a much more local and accessible level.